Basic information

Římov dam – safety increasing during floods

Country: Czech Republic
Year: 2008
Customer: Povodí Vltavy, state entreprise
Category: Dam engineering, Project management

Technical parametres

Q2002 = 476 m3/s
W2002 = 60,3 mil. m3
Q10.000 = 900 m3/s (new design – on reservoir inlet)
Q10.000 = 80+670 = 750 m3/s (new design – on reservoir outlet)
Maximum safe water level (MSWL) increase – from 472,0 to 474, 40 m
Dam crest raise – 2,4 m
length of pillars in the spillway chute – 14,5 m
spillway chute wall increase – 1,4 m
maximum water depth in chute spillway – 4,71 m


The Římov dam was constructed in 1978 in the km 21,85 of the Malše River and is the key dam in Southern Bohemia from the point of view of raw drinking water supply to the agglomeration of Ceske Budejovice and surrounding municipalities. The height of rockfill dam with inner clay sealing is 47,5 m at crest of length of 290 m. After the 2002 floods which reached above the design parameters of the dam, the hydrological parameters were re-assessed. The Římov dam was subsequently chosen as the pilot Czech dam for which a project to increase the safety during floods would be elaborated in the levels of initial project, project documentation for construction permit and tender documentation.

The project of increasing dam safety for flood passing included a reconstruction of the spillway edge, reconstruction works on the safety spillway, increasing the spillway capacity, design of increasing the impermeable core after the construction of the newly designed wave wall construction, reconstruction works on the intake tower and its access pathway.

Responsible for the technical design, hydraulic calculations, static assessment of the suggested design solution, preparation of input data for the modelling survey with a subsequent participation on the works and co-ordination of the technical and survey team. Construction supervision.