From specialized technic analyses to overall project documentation including managing of hydraulic assignments.

  • Rehabilitation projects
  • Identification of new location
  • Technical-Economic evaluation
  • Mathematical optimization simulation


Dam Engineering

  • Design of the new dams & ponds
  • Rehabilitation, reconstruction and maintenance dam projects
  • Ensuring dams for safe passing extreme floods
  • Water management of dam reservoirs
  • Re-assessment of dam parameters (climate change effects, change of social needs etc.)
  • Proposal of new reservoirs within landscape – drought, floods, infiltration
  • Sediment excavation projects

  • Flood protection of objects and municipal area
  • Water retention projects
  • Rainfall runoff models
  • Hydraulic calculation of water level courses – floodplains
  • Nature-related flood and erosion control measures
  • Comprehensive analysis of the flood threat

Flood protection measures

Weir construction and navigation

  • Design of the navigation waterways
  • Project documentation of new port, harbours mooring places etc.
  • Rehabilitation projects of existing navigation structures
  • Design proposal of the new and rehabilitation weirs

  • Territorial water management and environmental studies
  • Hydraulic and environmental construction of forest and agriculture usage
  • Deceleration of runoff and water retention in the country
  • Fish-passes structures
  • Revitalisation of watercourses and small reservoirs
  • Special environmental analyses ( sediment transport, biological etc.)
  • Analyses of the runoff conditions

Environmental project activities

Civil Engineering

  • Territorial studies of urbanized areas
  • Municipal water management, design and consulting support
  • Smart cities in relation with water management
  • Water retention project in urbanized area
  • Simulation of hydrogeologist condition
  • Proposal, engineering and supervision during construction of underground utilities

  • Hydraulic construction assessment
  • Site supervision activities
  • Mathematical and physical models – hydraulic, hydrogeology
  • Ensuring and supervision of specialized surveys (geology, topographical, biological, hydro morphological of watercourses etc.)
  • Usage of special topographical surveys methods (UAV, bathymetry, and digital photogrammetry)
  • Analysis and evaluation of hydrological measured data

Project management - surveys and modelling

PR and grant support, tutor activities

  • Graphic visualisation – static and dynamic visualisation
  • Consulting activities and grant support management
  • Research cooperation with technical universities
  • Tutorial and opponent activities etc.