Basic information

Feasibility study, option to elaborate project documentation and documentation for the construction of a HPP Sebzor on the Shokhdara River

Country: Tádžikistán
Year: 2015 — 2016
Customer: Pamir Energy, daughter company of Aga Khan Foundation
Category: Hydropower engineering, Weir construction and navigation,Environmental engineering, Project management

Technical parametres

Weir – height 8 m
Weir – lengt at crest 65 m

Conduit – DN 2600 mm
Conduit – length 3.2 km

SHPP – turbine type Francis
SHPP – number of machines – 2
SHPP – diameter of discharge conduit 900 mm
SHPP – head 120 m
SHPP – absorption capacity 10 m3/s
SHPP – output 10 MW


A complex variant hydrotechnical study for the HPP Sebzor including socio-environmental aspects for the subsequent assessment by potential donors recruited from the positions of well-known export institutions worldwide. At the beginning of the project, a detailed topographical survey with UAV deployment was commissioned, along with a socio-environmental study, a hydrological analysis and a geological survey including an analysis of seismic conditions. The aim of the study was option design for the HPP with a total output up to 10 MW with the scope of a Feasibility study in complicated disposition – and especially geological – conditions of the Pamir mountain range. The resulting solution consisted of a construction concept of a low dam structure of 8 m height, complemented by a fish pass and gravel sluices, pipe conduit of 2.6 m diameter, various construction options for the stabilization of the water hammer ratios in the conduit, a power house with two Francis turbines of a total output 10 MW and a high voltage substation with a high voltage line 110 kV of 20 km length.

Responsible for the management of an international team, the proposal of the overall concept of the technical solution with a detailed specification of the Civil and Geotechnical part of the project, data collection and site visit, co-ordination with external work teams of other disciplines, negotiation with the client at the planned construction site and the overall project agenda including management including project economy.