Country: Czech Republic
Year: 2011 — 2013
Customer: DIAMO, state entreprise
Category: Environmental engineering, Dam engineering, Project management
Meadow gully – length of rehabilitation 345 m
Sedlický pond – height 5,75 m
Sedlickýpond – flooded area 10 200 m2
Sedlický pond – capacity of outlet structure 3,43 m3/s
Sedlický pond – waste pipe DN 1000
The project consisted in rehabilitating the dam of the Sedlický Pond of maximal height 5.75m, excavation and removal of bottom sediment from the reservoir, overall rehabilitation and change to the concept of outlet construction including new stilling basin structure, new design of safety spillway and revitalization of the downstream river in an environmentally friendly way in total length 364 m, including supporting structures.
Design for construction permit, tender documentation and site supervision including day-to-day detailed consulting services during foundation laying of main structures in the geologically complicated conditions.
Responsible for the technical solution, hydraulic assessment, hydrological study of flood discharges in the area of interest and construction static calculation. The project location was specific – state enterprise for uranium mining and production in Stráž pod Ralskem. The difficult geological bedrock and specific operation of the entreprise in the area demand adhering to strict conditions that influenced the technical concept of the Sedlický Pond.